HOHO+ , located in Dopyeong-dong, at the edge of Jeju's new city, is a comprehensive art center where people of all backgrounds, regardless of experience, talent, age, race, or background can experience and create art that reflects our lives. We talk about the community we want to create with creative imaginations for the future.
Our Arts Center serves as a resource for the broader cultural community, including spaces for organizations and programs, including workshops and meeting spaces, as well as galleries and exhibition areas, outdoor theaters, and gardens with individual artist studios.
HOHO+ is open daily from 09:00 ~ 19:00.
HOHO+ strives to make art, culture, and education accessible to all. Admission to our gallery and shop is free, but to support our academy program and continue our free and affordable programming, we encourage visitors to contribute to our mission by making a suggested donation of $10 for entry, if you are able to.
184, Sinsanmaeul-gil, Jeju-si, HOHO PLUS
[Jeju International Airport] No. 3008 → Get off at [Shinsan Village Entrance]
Car Parking
Parking available
모든 문의와 상담은 항상 열려있습니다.
카카오톡 플러스친구 : HOHOPLUS
Email: hohopluskorea@gmail.com
Phone: 010-9919-9411