2024 HOHO PLUS Art Performance 

제주문화예술재단 2024년도 공연장상주단체 육성지원사업 신작 프로그램

"당신의 이어도는 어디입니까?" 

“Where is your Iedo?”  

"Ieodo," the mythical island said to lie off the coast of Jeju
What kind of utopia do you dream of?

For the people of old Jeju, 
Ieodo was a paradise where they could rest peacefully,
a utopia they dreamed of amidst the rough seas and harsh lives.

Inspired by their hearts, gazing at the distant sea with its crashing white waves,
believing that was Ieodo,
HOHO+ presents its 2024 new production, "Where is Your Ieodo?" on stage.

Behind the Scenes

Meet the Characters

One who yearns to escape from pain.
Hyun Aeran | Character: Yeon

One who longs to find love.
Choi Seongyeon | Character: Dan

One who seeks to bring justice to life.
Hong Hanbyul | Character: Geum 役
One who seeks to discover their true self.
Lee Jonggwan | Character: Wol

Bu Hyesuk, Hwang Raeun, Park Hana, Lee Ruri | Movement
Kim Namhee, Kim Jiyun, Hwang Raeun, Park Hana | Korean Dance

HOHO+'s New Performance: A Fusion of Korean Dance and Dance Theater!  

One day, four people gather on the imaginary island of Ieodo.
One who yearns to escape from pain, seeking a place to hide.
One who longs to find love.
One who seeks to bring justice to life.
One who wants to discover their true self.

Though they come to Ieodo for different reasons, from different times, they ask and answer each other in their intense journey toward a utopia.
What does our Ieodo look like today? Where is the utopia we long for?

This work, a modern reinterpretation of the Jeju legend Ieodo, merges Korean dance, theater, gestures and dialogue, Jeju dialect and sound, along with various Jeju songs and music.  It is born as a new concept of dance theater and invites the audience on a journey to the mythical island.

With the lively Haenyeo Janggo dance (a traditional drumming and dance form performed by female divers of Jeju, symbolizing their strength and connection to the sea) and Sogo dance (a dance using a small hand drum, often seen in Korean folk performances, representing festive and ceremonial movements), the hope for a bountiful catch is woven into the dance movements, and the journey toward an ideal is unfolded as a complete work of art.

Think about what your ideal world is and who you want to share that journey with.
This story, a journey to find the utopia of our lives that everyone, from children to adults, can relate to, will be presented on December 14, 2024, at Seogwipo Kim Jeong Cultural Center.

*This performance has been produced with the support of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the Jeju Cultural Arts Foundation’s 2024 Jeju Cultural Arts Support Program.

Performance Program

*You can slide to the side to view the page.

*Click to zoom in for a closer look.

Event Information

▶ Date and Time:
December 14, 2024 (Saturday)
First Show: 15:00 (3:00 PM)
Second Show: 18:00 (6:00 PM) 

▶ Venue: 서귀포 김정문화회관
Seogwipo Kimjeong Art Center 

(제주특별자치도 서귀포시 김정문화로 36)

(36, Kimjeongmunhwa-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province) 

*Parking is limited, so please use nearby public parking lots or public transportation.

*The venue is a 5-minute walk from Seogwipo Intercity Bus Terminal.

▶ Hosted by: Kimjeong Art Center 
 Organized and Produced by: HOHO PLUS
▶ Supported by: Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Jeju Cultural Arts Foundation 

▶ Audience Rating: All Ages 
▶ Ticket Reservation: Naver Reservations
▶ Ticket Prices: Adults: 10,000 KRW | Students: Free | 20% discount for groups of 4 or more

*Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis, not assigned.

▶ Inquiries: HOHO PLUS/ 0507-1337-1408
Seogwipo Kimjeong Art Center / 064-760-3792

We graciously accept your thoughts in the form of flowers or gifts, 
but we kindly suggest giving tickets to those around you instead. 
Your attendance and word-of-mouth are the best support.

Thank you!


Artistic Director

Jung Sineh

Representative of the interdisciplinary arts organization HOHO+
President of Dandi Dance Research Society
(Former) Member of the Jeju Stone Culture Park Operating Committee
(Former) Professor at the Korean National University of Arts, Dept of Dance
(Former) Director of the Cheonan City Dance Company
(Former) Professor at the College of Arts, Sangmyung University
A recipient of the Important Intangible Cultural Asset No. 97 of Korea, Im Mae-bang's "Salpuri Dance"
A successor of the No. 27 Im Mae-bang's "Seungmu"
"Artist of the Year" by the Korean Association of Art Critics in 2009


Choi Seongyeon

Winner of the 2004 Korea Daily Spring Literary Contest

Playwright of "그리고 또 하루" ("And Another Day") at the 33rd Seoul Theater Festival, winner of the Grand Prize and Best Play Award

Scriptwriter for Hoho Plus’s 서문대 아리랑 2024 (Seolmundae Arirang 2024) and "할망에게 묻고 답하다" ("Asking and Answering the Grandmother")

Playwright for "강림아내 뿔났다!" ("Ganglim’s Wife Got Angry!"), a collaborative project with JDC on Jeju mythology

Author of the play collections "그리고 또 하루" ("And Another Day") and "사랑해선 안 될" ("Love Should Not Be")


Hyun Aeran | Character: Yeon


Casted in (theater) "이어도 프로젝트: 두개의 섬" (Ieodo Project: Two Islands), "사난살주" (Sanan Salju), "뒷개할망 춤추다" (Behind the Old Woman Dancing), and more.

Choi Seongyeon | Character: Dan

Casted in (theater) "날 보러 와요" (Come See Me), "택시드리벌" (Taxi Driver), "아무것도 아닌 일로" (For Nothing), "나메토코산의 곰" (The Bear of Nametoko Mountain), and more.

Hong Hanbyul | Character: Geum

Casted in (theater) "생굴" (Fresh Oyster), "그의 집이 있다" (He Has a House), "침묵" (Silence), "이방의 물고기" (Fish of the Stranger), "4통 3반 복층사건" (The Case of the Duplex 4th Floor 3rd Unit), and more. 

Lee Jonggwan | Character: Wol


Casted in (theater) "라이어라이어" (Liar Liar), "말로 다 할 수 없는..." (Things That Can’t Be Said...), "질마와 솔래" (Jilma and Sollae), "파도소리" (Sound of the Waves), and more.

Casted in (film) "우아한세계" (Elegant World), "관상" (Gwangsang), and others. 

Guest Performers
Bu Hyesuk | Baeko & Movement

Former President of the Jeju Branch of the Korean Dance Association

Former Chairperson of the Jeju Dance Council, Korean Academy Federation

Director of Bu Hyesuk Bit Dance Academy

Representative of Jeju Bit Dance Troupe

Lee Ruri | Movement

A Butoh-based dancer and cultural arts planner. She performed solo and collaborative works as a Butoh dancer in Berlin for 3 years, and currently creates performance films in Jeju centered around nature and vitality.

Hoho+ Members

Kim Namhee, Kim Seonyeong, Hwang Raeun, Park Hana

Kang Jongim | Special Voice Appearance

Lee Jiwon | Character: Angel

Production and Staff

Kim Namho | Graphic Design

Kim Changheon | Planning

Kim Jeehye | Costume Design

Ho Kelvin | Stage Design

Jo Seunghee | Lighting Design

Kim Dohyeong | Sound Director

Hwang Raeun | Music Supervisor

studioNa| Photography 

Park Hana | Production Manager


Sajajari Theater Company

From Jeju

Performance Team

Won Unja, Yang Heejeong, Heo Sinjeong, Shin Eunjung, Kang Yoonje, Lee Hyeonjeong


호호플러스는 전통 한국문화, 예술교육, 그리고 공연관광을 결합하여 독창적인 문화 경험을 창출하는 것을 목표로 하는 문화예술공연 단체입니다. 한국무용, 신화와 설화, 의복, 미술 등 다양한 한국 전통문화 요소를 융합하여 창작물과 공연 콘텐츠로 재탄생시키며, 제주의 독특한 문화유산을 기반으로 지역 예술 생태계의 지속 가능한 발전에 기여하고자 합니다.


호호플러스는 경험, 재능, 나이에 상관없이 누구나 차별 없이 상상력을 펼칠 수 있는 곳입니다. 우리는 다양한 방식의 예술 표현이 개인의 변화를 이끌어내고, 긍정적이고 창의적인 에너지가 삶에 새로운 활력을 불어넣는 힘을 가지고 있다고 믿습니다.


여러분의 관심과 후원은 제주를 방문하는 관광객에게는 특별한 문화 경험을, 지역 예술가들에게는 지속적인 성장과 발전의 기회를 제공합니다.

호호플러스는 이를 통해 선한 영향력이 사회 전반에 전파되기를 바라며, 제주의 독창적인 문화와 예술이 국내를 넘어 전 세계에 울림을 전할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.